Digital fingerprinting is the electronic capture of a person’s fingerprints via an optical scanner at a capture station. The scanned fingerprints, along with the application details are then formatted into a standardized electronic package that is attached and emailed, via a secure link, direct to the RCMP’s Canadian Criminal Real Time Information System (CCRTIS). CCRTIS compares the fingerprint package against the RCMP’s criminal record database. If no record is present, the RCMP will issue a certificate indicating a clear record. If the applicant does have a criminal record this will be indicated in the results.
St Catharines Fingerprinting Services has been accredited by the RCMP to submit electronic fingerprints to CCRTIS in support of criminal record checks.
If the applicant does not have a criminal record and has never been fingerprinted for a criminal offence in Canada, the RCMP will make every effort possible to process the request within 72 hours of receiving the electronic submission. This means that the RCMP will put the results in the mail for mailing back to the applicant or third party within 72 hours. In view of this, please ensure sufficient time is allowed for receipt of the results in the mail before commencing inquiries about the status of fingerprint records. If a criminal record is encountered during the verification process, processing will be increased to 120 days.
Digital fingerprinting is available to most applicants for the majority of application types. However in some cases, e.g., submissions to the FBI, applicants may not use digital fingerprinting. For these situations we offer traditional ink and roll fingerprinting. Our fingerprinting professionals can advise you on whether you may opt for digital fingerprinting or if you must use traditional ink and roll fingerprinting.